Great Divide (NOBO) - Day #39 Peter Lougheed Provincial Park, AB to Banff, AB

Great Divide (NOBO) - Day #39 July 7 2022 Peter Lougheed Provincial Park, AB to Banff, AB - 51 Miles Start 8:03 AM Finish 2:09 PM Total Duration 6:06 Moving Time 5:20 Stopped Time :46 Ascent 2,850 Feet Descent 3,764 Feet Tour Total 2,818 Miles Details at: Last night after using the Peter Lougheed Provincial Park visitor center WiFi I decided to stay in the nearby campground. I rode back on the bike path to and selected site number 43. I set up my tent and hung a bear bag ten feet in the air and more than four feet from the nearest tree. I was in my tent studying my maps and planning the next segment when a ranger pulled into my campsite. She wanted a camping fee and made me move my food to a locker down the hill. I complained about the $31 fee and the loud kids in the adjoining campsite. Cyclists shouldn’t have to pay the same as motorists. We have no footprint. I was rattled, and it took me a while to fall asleep. It rained throughout the night a...